Name of field, polder, body of water or street.
This refers to the way in which the finds were removed from the ground.
This refers to the state of the find.
Summarise here the main find categories at the findspot. Don’t describe each find separately (sherd, flake, coin, etc.) but group them as best you can by serial number. You may of course describe stray finds and special finds separately. Always report the number of finds described for each serial number. If you can’t give an exact number, provide an estimate.
Here you can provide information about the find, the date or the complex, such as the weight and dimensions of an artefact (these must always be provided in the case of complete objects), the presence of epigraphy (stamp, inscription, graffito), tempering (in the case of handmade pottery), decoration, a C14 date, etc. Also report any uncertainties, such as a date that is not entirely secure or an uncertain interpretation.